Thursday, October 30, 2008

Macc latest! - Skate Mecca?!

Macc borough council is going full steam ahead with the plans to turn Macc into a riding/skating Mecca. Projects underway include:
  1. A BMX track/dirt jump area at Upton Priory
  2. A BMX track/dirt jumps at Windmill Park
  3. Street style skate plaza at Southpark
  4. Resurfacing and expansion of West Park spot
  5. Undercover ramps in/near Bollington Rec
  6. Undercover skate plaza at the Riverside spot, benath the Silk road by HSS
Macc-Skate is fully behind these plans and we hope to make each spot varied and unique so that we have loads of great local spots.

The undercover plans will be harder to sort as permisons from landowners need to be gotten, and the riverside is currently owned by Cheshire County Council.

Now we at Macc-Skate know there has been lots of talk about this for years but we have a great advocate in the Council Offices and she has been working really hard to get these projects off the ground. We think this time might just be it!

Poynton latest

At a meeting last week, the group in charge of putting together the Deva project discussed the bowl design. There are some moves to improve the street aspects with a wider rim for a manual pad with discussions ongoing. But the builders Maverick are ready to break ground in February 09! So with a 6-8wk build time that means that Poynton could have its very own concrete skate park by Easter! However getting the Town Council to give the final go ahead is another matter. We'll be in contact with Maverick and post the latest news when we get it.... 

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ts sold out! Decks going fast

Thanks to this weeks mention in Sidewalk, the Ts have sold out and there has been a run on the decks. Now only 12 left! Get them fast at Hopp!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Dreaming a dream....

This week some of the group met with Macc council to discuss improving the facilities for all freeride sports in the borough and what they want from us are ideas. If you know of a bit of wasteland or space that looks like it could be suitable to put something on, then drop us a line with your ideas and we will include it in our proposal that we are putting together. 

Here are some images from California to get you in the mood...
The Ken Wormhoudt skatepark in Santa Cruz....
and the Santa Cruz bmx park.... imagine this is in Macc!!!